Unique Affixes
Maximum Life
All Stats
Critical Strike Chance
Critical Strike Damage
Cooldown Reduction
Attack Speed
Vulnerable Damage
Resource Generation
Movement Speed
Ranks to War Cry
Resistance to All Elements
Maximum Resistance to All Elements
Damage Reduction
Lightning Resistance
Ranks to Bash
Basic Skill Damage
Lucky Hit: Chance to Make Enemies Vulnerable for x Seconds
Ranks to Heavy Handed
Ignores Durability Loss
Unique Tempers
[x-x] Critical Strike Damage (Rogue Marksman Finesse - Offensive)
Bash Cleaves for [x - x] Damage (Furious Augments - Weapons)
[x-x] to Imposing Presence (Barbarian Protection - Defensive)
[x - x] War Cry Cooldown Reduction (Brawling Efficiency - Resource)
[x - x] Movement Speed (Natural Motion - Mobility)
[x - x] Crowd Control Duration (Natural Schemes - Utility)
[x-x] Crowd Control Duration (Natural Schemes - Utility)
[x-x] Damage while Berserking (Berserking Finesse - Offensive)
[x - x] Damage while Berserking (Berserking Finesse - Offensive)