Unique Affixes
Maximum Life
Attack Speed
Resource Generation
Critical Strike Chance
All Stats
Lucky Hit Chance
Cooldown Reduction
Movement Speed
Fury per Second
Fire Resistance
Damage Reduction from Close Enemies
Potion Capacity
Maximum Resource
Maximum Fury
Critical Strike Damage
Core Skill Damage
Overpower Damage
Ranks of All Core Skills
Ignores Durability Loss
Damage with Two-Handed Bludgeoning Weapons
Damage to Burning Enemies
Damage Reduction from Enemies That Are Burning
Ranks of Upheaval
Unique Tempers
[x - x] to Concussion (Barbarian Control - Utility)
[x - x] Damage while Berserking (Berserking Finesse - Offensive)
[x - x] Upheaval Size (Furious Augments - Weapons)
[x - x] Movement Speed (Natural Motion - Mobility)
[x - x] Stun Duration (Barbarian Control - Utility)
[x - x] Lightning Resistance (Natural Resistance - Defensive)
[x - x] Damage to Distant Enemies (Natural Finesse - Offensive)